
Careconnect is a patient and medication tracking software.

Many Americans are partially shielded from the high cost of prescription drugs through employer health insurance, medicaid, or medicare. However, coverage gaps and formally restrictions can burden even those with insurance. Those without healthcare or adequate prescription drug coverage must pay for their medications out of pocket. “The ability for Americans to afford prescription meds is a major public health risk”

To understand the main problems the medical assistance coordinators were facing, we started with research. Through zoom calls we held interviews with our users, and we were able to identify certain issues the medical assistance coordinators were faced with in their day-to-day activities.




Americans of all ages &


Of all elderly report difficulty paying for medications


Of patients have not filled a prescription or have reduced a prescribed dosage because of out of pocket cost.

Careconnect reduces paperwork associated with Patient Assistance Program. It makes it easy to create and store a patient file accessible to script to script and visit to visit. It saves time and work, errors and omissions. It alleviates staff frustrations.

Challenges experienced with the current traditional use of paperwork which needed to be automated.


She works as a medication assistance coordinator at a large cancer center in inner city chicago. Renea spends her day filling forms and making calls to check on the status on applications . Most of the patients Renea helps are on two or more medications which means 2 or more different applications. As a result, she spends more than 3 hours on paperwork for each assistance application.

“ Spending hours searching and filling paperwork is exhausting and overwhelming. I feel ineffecient on most days”

They often lose track of funding because of manual filing systems

They are very passionate about their work but are often overwhelmed by their day-to-day tasks. The spend hours searching for programs and filling redundant paperwork.

They spend long hours filling multiple

patient assistance forms, making calls and checking on applications.


This app helps medication assistance coordinators get current, complete and accurate information for improved operations and better patient care in minutes.

This app provides features like seamlesss EHR integration, automatically matches patients to asistance programs, autoenrolls patients, gives real time feedback.



Simplifiies hundreds of application forms into a superform

Auto enrols patients into programs

Automatically matches patient’s profiles to assistance programs

Real time notification of assistance program

I did wireframes for some specific features we needed to test. We started with assumptions in the beginning and we needed to validate them by conductinng user testing session with a few medical asistance coordinators.


We conducted a 15-30min usability test sessions with 5 users to validate our hypothesis and get insightful feedback.

- Tracking the total money you saved patient per month would be super helpful.

- Patients are searched for by first and last name or by date or birth.

- On the patient profile, it doesnt tell how much money the patient has used/what is remaining.

- On the dashboard, getting to know about upcoming task is more important than knowing about top funded programs and patient matches.

- On the task page, the calendar on the app should be syced to outlook calender.

Key Takeaways.

The importance of research cannot be overemphasized. I learned again that understanding my users( the behaviors, personality, pain points etc) are crucial in making more user centered solutions and design more intuitive user-interface. There were many new findings and insights that i did not know about before, it was definitely an eye-opening experience for me.

Getting to hear about the positive feedback the end-users had about the software and their anticipation for the project to go live gave me butterflies. Building applications that would help make lives easier is one of the reasons I got into UX/UI Design snd to see that become a reality over and over again is definitely satisfying.

After gathering insights from our usability testing sessions, we used the feedback to make changes to the high fidelity wireframes.

Let’s connect 😊

If you have exciting projects you’d like to work on, feel free to shoot me an email or reach out on Linkedin.



Sole UX/UI Designer


5 Months


Miro, Figma