A platform matching trusted sellers of good credit with those with lesser rated credit scores






Tradelineworks is a credit marketing service. They help empower buyers to understand and responsibly use their credit in their financial lives and to assist sellers in earning an additional income by helping others increase their credit score. They are devoted to helping main street families

Though my position as a UI designer was to imagine the visual interface of the application, I still needed to go through the secondary research they provided me with. I also conducted some research of my own to better understand the platform I was designing and more importantly the people that are going to be using the platform - the buyers and sellers.

I conducted intensive user research trying to better understand the platform i was designing for and the users, I also conducted competitive analysis on some of Tradelinework’s direct competitors. I listed out some of the things I liked about their process and user experience and I also listed out some of the things I didnt like and would want to improve in ours.

Buyer’s Dashboard

For the buyer’s app interface, I was going for a minimal and easy to navigate interface. I prioritized what the user’s needed to interact with at each step in their process for them to reach their goals easier and faster without distractions.

Available Tradelines - the buyers go through a list of tradelines from different sellers with cards from different financial companies/institutions. Each card gives a brief overview of the tradeline. The learn more button takes them to a new page that gives the user detailed information about the tradeline before purchasing.

Tradeline Page -This screen gives the user more information on the tradelines. Users may have 100% on-time payment, less than 30% utilization on their cards, and no derogatory remarks on their report but their score still hasn’t budged. That’s where paid tradelines could come handy and it can give them the boosts to get their score moving in the right direction. The tradelines list are a credit booster based on what the user’s goals and needs are

Cart Screen - This shows the tradelines te user is about to purchase, some details about eaxh tradeline as well as the total amount to be billed.

Seller’s Dashboard

When a user signs up as a seller, the user can view current and past orders, previous and upcoming income payouts, and ways to manage your partnership with tradelineworks.

Order Page - This shows all the the orders the seller has, the name of the buyers, the status of the orders, amongst others. This is just to keep track of their orders.

Add Tradeline - This screen shows when a seller is about to adda tradeline to be purchased

Payment Option - When a buyer purchases a tradeline from tradelineworks, they share the sales proceeds with the sellers as passive income through PayPal or Electronica Fund Transfer (ETF) directly to your bank account.

Their mission is to level the financial and credit playing field for middle-class Americans to access financial solutions that have otherwise been historically denied for over four decades. Tradeline Works aims to be a champion of those who struggle with poor credit scores, helping them gain the knowledge and resource needed to excel.

Let’s connect 😊

If you have exciting projects you’d like to work on, feel free to shoot me an email or reach out on Linkedin.

A client reached out to me to design the visuals for a consumer and business credit marketing service. I was asked to design the website, aswell as the buyer and seller dashboards for the web application.

“Individuals with lower credit scores often face difficulties in improving their creditworthiness. There is a need for a reliable platform that connects these individuals with trusted sellers of good credit tradelines, enabling them to enhance their credit scores effectively”


the problem.


Sole UX/UI Designer


5 Months


Miro, Figma