Fitguide is  a universal sizing recommendation tool for online clothing shoppers.

Competitive benchmarking highlighted a significant limitation: existing solutions primarily focus on partnering with brands, restricting accessibility for shoppers. This approach proves restrictive as the majority of both big and small brands have yet to adopt these solutions. As a result, shoppers are left with limited options and hindered in their ability to benefit from such tools across various online platforms.

2 rounds of moderated tests informed iterations that helped improve the overall user experience of the product.

We conducted interviews and distributed surveys to over 20 of our target users to gain insights into their current struggles and identify opportunities for improvement. Our aim was to create a solution that addresses their needs, ultimately enhancing their shopping experience and alleviating the frustrations associated with sizing. Some key findings we uncovered are highlighted below

Taking into account all the pain points and insights uncovered during market and user research, I embarked on a brainstorming process to develop potential solutions. By synthesizing the feedback and understanding the needs of our target users, I aimed to generate innovative ideas that effectively address their challenges and enhance their overall shopping experience.

Based on the research, I developed a draft prototype to gather early feedback from users.

I mapped out key path scenarios that gets our users to their most prominent use cases within the least amount of steps.



While conducting early interviews with potential users, we gained valuable insights that not only validated our idea but also provided us with a deeper understanding of their needs and pain points. These insights served as a solid foundation for our project, guiding us towards developing a solution that effectively addresses the challenges users face in determining clothing sizes online.

“Online shoppers face frustration and uncertainty when determining clothing sizes, despite efforts to navigate sizing charts and measurements”

According to Coresight, size and fit issues contribute to a staggering 53% of the $38 billion returns in the online apparel industry, totaling approximately $20.14 billion. This highlights the substantial market opportunity for companies that offer innovative solutions to mitigate size and fit problems in the online apparel sector.

The problem.


Problem is worth solving


Haven't used a sizing recommendation tool

Most online stores have not adopted this solution

HMW How might we ensure a sizing recommendation tool is universally accessible across all online stores, effectively aiding shoppers in choosing the correct size?

Key Takeaways.

Conducting thorough market and user research is essential for gaining insights into user pain points and preferences. This understanding serves as a foundation for developing effective solutions.

Validating ideas and concepts through interviews, surveys, and user testing is crucial for ensuring that the solution aligns with user needs and expectations.

Competitive benchmarking helps in identifying gaps in existing solutions and opportunities for innovation. Recognizing limitations in the current landscape allows for the development of more impactful solutions.

Let’s connect 😊

If you have exciting projects you’d like to work on, feel free to shoot me an email or reach out on Linkedin.



Sole UX/UI Designer


For my final project at Centennial College's Interactive Media Management program, I developed a solution to address the frustration of inconsistent clothing sizes across online brands and countries. From conceptualization through research, user validation, and final prototype development, I oversaw every stage of the project.


4 Months


Miro, Milanote, Figma





Information Architecture


Make solution accessible for shoppers across all online stores

Users have to go through a lot of comments to compare and contrast what is said.

They’d use google or the company's size conversion tool.

They check size guides but most times are still confused about the sizes.





Implement a clear and intuitive option for users to complete the process with a single action, such as a "Go back to shopping" button.

Providing detailed instructions, clearer descriptions of features, and transparent privacy policies would enhance user understanding and confidence in the product. Additionally, differentiating between options and explaining the access process for both options would improve user experience and comprehension.

Incorporate a progress bar to visually indicate the number of steps remaining in the onboarding process before receiving the recommended fit.

An interactive universal recommendation tool (Web browser extension) for online clothing shoppers, accessible across all online stores

Step 1: Input or Scan Your Measurements